“水军”还是比较执著的。看了下petition, 奥总管还要管


送交者: whatistruth 于 2013-06-03, 15:33:23:


Urge the Chinese government to improve the transportation in famous tourist cities.

Please take measures to solve traffic problems in big cities in China. Nowadays more and more people like traveling. In some world famous tourist cities, such as Beijing and Hangzhou, streets are always full of people. As a result, there always seem to be much fewer buses and taxis than passengers. So it is not easy for people to go to places. Will the local governments please do something to improve public transportation service, providing more buses and taxis?

Airdrop 100000000 M4A1 into China to help liberate the suffering Chinese people on this June 4th!

We are starving. We are dying. We are being oppressed , enslaved and persecuted. We cannot bare it anymore. Please help us. On this June 4th, all sufferings shall come to an end.

取缔玉林狗肉节 Please help us to stop the Yulin Festival of eating dogs In the guangxi province.It is bloody and Disregard life


Please help us to stop the Yulin Festival of eating dogs In the guangxi province.

There are many people who live at Yulin In the guangxi province eating dogs as a festival,which is bloody.

They use knife to cut off these dogs that are alive with theirs' trachea

blooding.And then the people would like to use fire to burn these dogs which is conscious so that they could eat them.

Please help these animals because they are a member of the earth!

President must lead the free world to support, arm & financially aim Chinese people to fight for their life and freedom

Now most Chinese people are suffering from the CCP government's robbing, oppression, they are struggling for survival. They have no freedom of speech, thought, belief and privacy. Many millions of people are tourched and forced to work without any compensation in various prison, detention house & work camp. they are forced to pay 2nd highest tax, but no any public government services and fewest personal welfare in the world, while the government officials have limitless power, extreme corrupted, they might be the richest in the world. The children and even grandchildren of former, current CCP officials are become new leaders of counties, provinces and central government without any election. Now approx.150 million farmers lost their lands with very low compensation (US$1000-2000 per arce)

President Obama requests Chinese president Xi Jinping to stop forced house demolition in June 7-8 summit in California

In China, human right violation is escalating in forced house demolition. In Dajinzhuang, Cangzhou, Hebei province, villagers are forced to leave their houses so the local government can build skyscrapers. For those who don’t want to move, their essential utilities are shut down and paths to their houses are blocked by deep trenches. Many are beaten badly by steel sticks until their legs and ribs were broken. Explosive devices are thrown to their houses. The violence escalated recently when villager Huanling Li’s son was attacked and stabbed with knives multiple times so he nearly died. In China, these crimes are often covered up by the local governments. We request President Obama to urge the Chinese government to stop human right abuse in demolition in the June 7-8 summit in California.



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