Doug 9 hours ago 16 1.3k
There was something vaguely unsatisfying about this article. Like the author never finished writing it or something.
Doc 11 minutes ago 0 18
So this was a poorly written article. OK, they discovered a woman had had acupuncture needles left in her knee via an x-ray. Then the author makes a vague statement that there is no evidence to support that acupuncture works. And it ends with a statistic of how many people get acupuncture treatments in the US. No comments from the woman herself, her doctor, acupuncturists, or even what options this woman may have for getting these needles out and if she will do so. I hope this guy didn't get paid for writing this piece of #$%$. Few details, general statements, with no conclusion. And they call it an article?!?!?!??!
There have been numerous studies that are pretty conclusive that acupuncture, when used correctly - i.e. not leaving needles in the body - can be quite effective for certain conditions including pain management.. The military has started using this technique when transporting injured soldiers from Germany to the US for pain management. And per the soldiers this works and is preferred to just popping a bunch of narcotics that are addictive with potential side effects.
Moon Pies and Blue Skies 9 hours ago 5 363
She already knew they were there. Somehow, I thought this article would be about finding mysterious golden needles in her body.