送交者: fengcu2000 于 2005-5-20, 15:26:02:
回答: Show your respect to women! 由 peanut 于 2005-5-20, 14:58:00:
That's why I say those 城市老爷们和当年的泥腿子和大兵哥本质是一样的。 To use your word, they are not human beings, and should be purged out of the society. In fact, in the US, prostitution is illegal. In China, due to the seriousness of the problem, we should pass stricter laws to punish all these 用钞票为诱饵睡了泥腿子和大兵哥们的女儿的non human beings, --just as was done to 当年用公章,推荐书为诱饵睡了城市老爷们的女儿的泥腿子和大兵哥们.