送交者: sssa 于 2005-5-28, 03:06:20:
回答: 各位大夫朋友, 有事请教. 由 harper 于 2005-5-27, 22:17:06:
usually, the process is like this:
fever--> control by medicine --> fever --> cannot control by medicine ...
Since 现在一点病症都没有, don't worry too much now.
BUT I suggest you go back to visit her now if possible. Your 妈妈
may not feel good if you just go back to visit her (for afraid of affecting your
career ...). So try to make an excuse before you go back to China.
You should call her NOW and tell her your company will start a business in
China soon ... and then you can visit her with increase her burden. You can tell
her you need to visit China a lot after the business started ...
In short, try your best now. If your trip won't affact your current work much
and the penalty is mostly finacial, take as many off without pay as possible.
$10,000 can but you a month time with your mother. if you miss the chance,
you will regret for all your life.