送交者: boxer 于 2005-6-06, 11:56:36:
回答: you didn't get what I was saying. 由 skipper3 于 2005-6-06, 11:16:49:
You misunstand the concept of "垄断" with 竞争占优. The difference is huge and you know the details.
Cheap labor is everywhere, however, skilled labors could be expensive.
"It's always the case who ever have the power apply 洗脑 to those who don't". This is the most interesting judgement I have heard in this forum. If I understand you correctly, you implied that:
1). You claimed that 洗脑 is everywhere in the world, including...
2). 洗脑 is a behaviore of 少数人给大多数人
3). Whoever have the power will 给大多数人洗脑
Still, you missed the point ""垄断" with "竞争占优"