送交者: skipper3 于 2005-6-15, 13:20:01:
回答: Why doesn't 美国逃兵查尔斯·詹金斯 insist he was kidnapped by NK? 由 HunHunSheng 于 2005-6-15, 10:44:16:
COnsidering war is business, DOD should investigate feasibility of contracting out military missions to private enterprises, preferably multinational corporations. I say some retired generals should set up war companies in poor African countries to take advantage of dirt cheap labor who are willing to die for very little monetary incentives by American standards. That way US can solve its recruiting problem and reduces fixed cost of servicing a large military payrol. Further more, this will give poor African countries much needed investment to improve their economy in the long run.
In fact I predict in the future war is going to be an industry. A government that wants to fight a war will only need to post its detailed war contract and let various war companies bid. These companies will also develop all kinds of war products and services ranging from kidnapping a the head of a state to full scale invasion. Of course an international organization is required to govern and to regulate this industry. A new war branch to WTO sounds quite doable. A new war profession along with its ethics code will also be established.