送交者: steven 于 2005-6-20, 17:39:36:
回答: so what? 10^100 + 1 only means 由 Dishui 于 2005-6-20, 14:34:32:
mathematics is an abstraction of certainly properties naturally exist. Newton didn't invent Calculus, he invented the notation to describe existing properties, technically speaking, the notation dx/dy we are using today, are actually Leibniz's. Why do I say that? think about velocity and acceleration, these exist natually. By taking the dx/dt, we have v where x is the function of distance, and dv/dt we have a. Newton didn't invent acceleration, nor velocity, he discovered this properties and can be better describe using a language different from our natural one, in his case, English and Latin. He described those properties with a language of his own invention, calculus. Just like our natural language, we use to descirbe Sun or the moon. The sentence "Sun is bright" doesn't make it so, it is merely a description of a natural phenomenon. Some times, mathematics takes a live of its own, like calculus, it started being used to describe velocity and acceleration, and later, more properties are discovered, and it becomes more and more useful in describing other stuffs like wave motion, and you think about, all things that calculus deals with are about the relation of changing quantities. Sometimes, there are properties no yet known, but as a logical conseqence, and that is where prediction come into place. We predicts base on these logical consequence, and that is what mathematical proof is all about.