

送交者: Hoffman 于 2019-03-28, 22:18:26:

回答: 夏威夷的一位司机导游(白人,波士顿人)称禁夏威夷语为:linguistic genocide! 由 Hoffman 于 2019-03-28, 22:07:49:

The decline of the Hawaiian language started around the 1820’s, due to the influence of missionaries on the islands. The missionaries’ presence resulted in an increasing number of Hawaiians learning English, but at the expense of Hawaiian. Deliberate attacks on the language didn’t come until 1893, when the Provisional Government, put in place after the fall of the monarchy, attempted to assert the English language’s dominance over Hawaiian. This included the banning of Hawaiian in public schools in 1896 (although Hawaiian was not prohibited in other contexts), which continued well into the 20th century. Hawaiian’s secondary status can still be felt there today: there are only 2,000 native speakers, although efforts to promote the learning and teaching of Hawaiian are proving somewhat successful.



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