al least for a long long time.
i am actaully an extreme libertad, i vision a day when government get out of our lives almost completely, even security stuff could be outsourced to private contractors.
but there is jsut one issue, citizens enlightenment level. don't even mention china, america is not ready for that, long way to go, only nordic and switzerland might be cnadidates, but they don't face immigration influx lkie america do.
the key is education, and a society respecting stem, no, not nowadays "repsecting". in some sense, our regards for science is not much like hundreds of years ago, we still treat it as nice toys, only need it when we think it's needed. scientists? all weirdos like sheldon. okay, inventing a new green energy? you are welcome, but talking about economy and politics, get out! even scienctists selves are avoiding sensitive issues, as last year one SCI AM editorial cried about.
i look forward to a society where scientists and sicentific way totally dominate, you can call me extreme scienticismist. basically every serious issue must be dealt with a scientific approach. emotions and wksn? go to arts (even there might not be safe anymore, as science has encroched there too, how about AT writing songs, poems, and painting).
politics, economics, every imprtant issue, has to be "boring", laden with data, fact and logic, no room for raied voices and applauses.
difficult topics like insurance or equality, try experiemtns, CA and TX are totally opposite, so let each other try their own way to fix the thing, we jsut need a reliable way to gauge their performences and make choics then.
until the, which is a long way then, we need government, best system nowadays cna't prevent populism, just look at UK and US.
i always thanks my father for moving from country side to big city, i could not imagine what my fate would be if i were still at village.when you focus on self relaiance, you better first interviewed some countryside boys. my cousin, who was at country side when young, famously sadi i would like to kill all city people! he still feels very bitter evryday about it. think about gao jialin, the famous main character in lu yao's "life".
even america is far from ideal, esp on blacks. you were not black, you can't feel or uunderstand their heartfelt anger and cynicism. unlike otehr races, their ancestors were not brought to this land on self willing. only as their descendants can you really realte to that bitterness. it takes at least another 100 years to fix that.
until then, all white should think in "original sin" mode, how do i comsensate for my ancestors crimes?
AA ids the least they can do. ok, an undeserving yale balck student. so what, it is wat better than a high school dropout, at least if thay guy is going to commit crime, most likely it would be non violent. and a balck just likes to play video games at library computer (govenmetn helP), so what it's much better than him wandering at street.