。以前卫生部门也说得很明白,口罩给人fasle safety;戴口罩之后手接触脸的机会反而增多;有其它更有效的防止传播的手段。直至今日,挪威卫生部门仍然认为口罩的作用是模棱两可的。
Why are face masks recommended in some situations?
A face mask can in some situations serve as an addition to the standard infection control measures. Transmission of COVID-19 typically occurs when the virus is released from the mouth and nose of an infected person to the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose or mouth of another person. While the most typical route of transmission is via a person who displays symptoms, infection can also occur via a person who do not display any symptoms. The most important measure to avoid transmission is to keep a distance to others, maintain good hand hygiene and stay at home if you are ill.
A face mask cannot replace the standard measures for infection control but can be used in addition in situations where the risk of infection is increased or high.
Based on the present situation the Norwegian Institute of Public Health expects the effect of widespread use of face masks to be minimal and thus there is no basis for recommending the general use of face masks for the entire Norwegian population.