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- 上帝之声 - silxirt (267 bytes) 2020-11-10, 13:50:59 (864956)
- 说离任的川普会因私利暴露国家机密,瞎操心,only when you let him - silxirt (210 bytes) 2020-11-10, 13:16:26 (864954)
- 特朗普要连任了,你们几个猥琐老中要继续赖在这里嗷嚎,还是长骨气搬家? (无内容) - Allright (0 bytes) 2020-11-10, 12:11:27 (864948)
- 发现那个北京猴子最近的两个造谣贴被版主删掉了,删得好! (无内容) - ASH (0 bytes) 2020-11-10, 10:19:52 (864944)
- 我明白华川粉了! - 短江学者 (367 bytes) 2020-11-10, 09:30:48 (864942)
- Oh, McTurtle! (无内容) - qtl (0 bytes) 2020-11-09, 17:27:24 (864922)
- 不是因政治正确才这么说:大多数川粉都是好人, 只是被骗 - silxirt (393 bytes) 2020-11-09, 11:01:47 (864910)
- 有待核实 - 北京猿人 (1164 bytes) 2020-11-09, 05:48:06 (864886)
- 川粉解析(上)/子皮 - 断玉 (13015 bytes) 2020-11-09, 04:09:34 (864884)
- 川普解析(下)/子皮 - 断玉 (13027 bytes) 2020-11-09, 02:58:40 (864883)
- 还有一个川普合法连任的可能 - silxirt (93 bytes) 2020-11-08, 16:28:01 (864871)
- 提上来,投票率和战场州,铁州密切相关。 (无内容) - Todd (0 bytes) 2020-11-08, 05:29:16 (864855)
- 据说德州198万张邮寄选票没有点票,北卡也有34张未点,哪位有空核实一下? - 偶一为之 (373 bytes) 2020-11-08, 03:11:14 (864845)
- Sleepy Joe wakes up America - still sth worth celebrating (无内容) - newcomer36 (0 bytes) 2020-11-08, 02:40:01 (864843)
- The world’s biggest loser: 撒泼耍赖满地打滚不肯认输 (无内容) - newcomer36 (0 bytes) 2020-11-08, 01:07:46 (864831)
- 媒体偏向:没人提自主庆祝胜利的人群太密还不戴口罩 (无内容) - silxirt (0 bytes) 2020-11-07, 19:54:06 (864821)
- 坛里怎么不热闹?短江不出来作诗感慨一下? (无内容) - Todd (0 bytes) 2020-11-07, 18:58:11 (864817)
- 张麻子对黄四郎说:没有你,对我很重要 (无内容) - 都是我不好 (0 bytes) 2020-11-07, 11:48:43 (864801)
- 10:36 AM · Nov 7, 2020. 川普:我大获全胜! (无内容) - Hoffman (0 bytes) 2020-11-07, 11:42:09 (864799)
- FOX NEWS: 290:214 (无内容) - Hoffman (0 bytes) 2020-11-07, 11:03:31 (864794)
- Trump is never defeated, even when he is defeated. (无内容) - silxirt (0 bytes) 2020-11-07, 10:36:40 (864791)
- the questions are: what are they (Trump voters) hiding and why? (无内容) - newcomer36 (0 bytes) 2020-11-07, 10:29:17 (864790)
- the myths (or lies) of Trump voters Trump & the last two elections exposed (无内容) - newcomer36 (0 bytes) 2020-11-07, 09:57:01 (864782)
- 6) they hate Clinton because she is corrupted: No, Trump is even more corrupted (无内容) - newcomer36 (0 bytes) 2020-11-07, 10:07:15 (864788)
- 5) stupid & un-educated: No, many of them are highly educated & smart (无内容) - newcomer36 (0 bytes) 2020-11-07, 10:05:23 (864787)
- 4) family value: this one is also obvious, Trump has no family essentially (无内容) - newcomer36 (0 bytes) 2020-11-07, 10:03:11 (864786)
- 3) religion: this one is obvious, Trump is anything but religious (无内容) - newcomer36 (0 bytes) 2020-11-07, 10:01:54 (864785)
- 2) law & order: Law and order to you, freedom & liberty to me (无内容) - newcomer36 (0 bytes) 2020-11-07, 10:01:06 (864784)
- 1) patriotism (e.g. flag hugging): Trump hates war heroes & other suckers (无内容) - newcomer36 (0 bytes) 2020-11-07, 10:00:15 (864783)
- Biden looks very presidential, so refreshing compared to Trump (无内容) - 邯郸学步 (0 bytes) 2020-11-06, 21:57:31 (864775)
- 看到一则新闻讲印尼12月要注射900万中国疫苗,想但愿不要发生问题 (无内容) - zhangqq (0 bytes) 2020-11-06, 19:15:13 (864772)
- 川粉颂 - laok (645 bytes) 2020-11-06, 13:13:15 (864750)
- 每次都是jo jorgensen之类的挖民主党得票 - silxirt (110 bytes) 2020-11-06, 09:50:33 (864743)
- 拜登应该宣布有条件赦免川普 - 都是我不好 (174 bytes) 2020-11-06, 08:58:55 (864732)
- Chris Christie已经公开谴责丑川对选举舞弊无端的指责了 - jhuang (102 bytes) 2020-11-06, 06:56:51 (864728)
- 新某国精神病去吃饭 - qtl (221 bytes) 2020-11-06, 05:23:51 (864727)
- 流氓总统无耻爪牙勇敢攻击美国民主选举。川粉们是时候勇敢站队了 (无内容) - newcomer36 (0 bytes) 2020-11-06, 03:22:12 (864723)
- Does President Trump speak English? Why his word needs to be interpreted? - silxirt (464 bytes) 2020-11-05, 23:08:02 (864712)
- 如此提心吊胆:明天就见分晓,又怕旧戏重演 - silxirt (428 bytes) 2020-11-05, 22:58:45 (864711)
- 川普今下午在白宫的讲话有气无力“像个仰面朝天在烈日下挣扎的的胖乌龟, - Hoffman (128 bytes) 2020-11-05, 21:57:32 (864708)
- 希望各位向川粉推荐川总的信仰顾问的助选视频,有治病的功效! - Hoffman (87 bytes) 2020-11-05, 21:10:26 (864706)
- rap版。 - qtl (116 bytes) 2020-11-06, 02:52:52 (864721)