接近千万人次的检查,即使False Postive只有300多次,概率也非常低,更何况这300人有2/3有抗体,看来属于"真阳",不正常.和那些什么邮轮,航空母舰上面群体核酸检测的无症状的病毒携带者的比例差异何止相差一个数量级.
1/ The more I think about the Wuhan test results (the ones showing 300 PCR positives out of 10,000,000, all asymptomatic, no spreading), the stranger they seem...
2/ Are they false positives? Because 300 true positives ought to be enough to seed a new epidemic eventually, right? And how could they possibly ALL be asymptomatic? 90 to 95% asymptomatic in a young and healthy population might be possible (we've seen that on ships)...
3/ But this wasn't a young population, it was the entire city. In fact, people over 60 were more likely to test positive. So could they all have been false positives? Apparently not - the paper reported 190 of the 300 had antibodies, which likely means they were true positives...