送交者: skipper3 于 2005-6-26, 12:58:43:
所以我就用"how drug companies bribe doctors"股勾了一把,你们自己去试一下看看能挖出多少东西来(当然真真假假都有)。我随机抓了一片看了看(http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0JQP/is_362/ai_111300634):
"...Meanwhile, old-school kickbacks continue in violation of the codes and policies on drug promotion. Drug giant GlaxoSmithKline has been accused of using exotic holidays, stereos, World Cup soccer tickets and cash to bribe thousands of Italian and German doctors into prescribing its products. (1) In the US last June, AstraZeneca paid a $355 million settlement for a kickback scheme where doctors billed insurance providers for drugs they received free from the company. TAP Pharmaceutical Products--a joint venture of Abbott Labs and Takeda--pulled the same trick and settled for $875 million in 2001..."
"Drug company influence is pervasive in Western CME, too. They pay for 57 per cent of American CME costs, either through direct sponsorship or exhibitor fees. The speakers are often 'opinion leaders' paid by Big Pharma, sometimes thousands of dollars per meeting.
'I think people have to look carefully and should be told if the speakers are doing that for drug companies on a regular basis, if that's a major part of how they make their living,' says Paul McKinney, chief of general internal medicine at the University of Louisville, Kentucky.
Many countries' guidelines say the meals accompanying CME should be 'modest' and doctors should not bring their spouses. But the rules are regularly flouted.
'It's quite common for doctors virtually to demand to be taken out by pharmaceutical reps for expensive meals ... It's very, very difficult to say no,' a doctor working for the industry says..."