送交者: steven 于 2005-8-09, 15:43:47:
回答: I guess the flame is ignited on purpose 由 JZ 于 2005-8-09, 14:49:10:
Post landing procedures:
1) saftey assessment teams staging at 381 meters from the orbiter check for toxic/expolsive gases such as hydrogen and hydrozine.
2) After the vapor reading, coolant umbilical access vehicles move in and access the umbilical area, and detect if any hydrogen present.
3) if yes, bad news, all ground personel clears, crews evacuated, and emergency power down the orbiter. This has never happened in the shuttle history.
4) if no, after installing the oxygen and hydrogen umbilicals, coolant and purge air are bumped in. This cool down and humidified air and remove all toxic gases.
5). After 40-50 minutes later, shut down the onboard cooling system, and the cooling now is taken over by the ground system.
6) if safe, crews departure.
See the shuttle landing procedure description at NASA.