Democracy in its original form is not practical, nor ideal.


送交者: steven 于 2005-8-16, 12:08:55:

回答: 博拉图和孔丘是一丘之貉。 由 鹏归 于 2005-8-15, 20:46:50:

In its original form, Greeks voted for every dicision, however, since women, slaves, foreigners were excluded from the voting process, only a minority of people participated. Besides, everyone voted for every major decision doesn't really work in morden day societies. Not all people are informed, nor all people understand the issues, and the process is too long to conduct. Also, the biggest problem is that, there is not check and balance in the original democracy system, if the majority make dicisions which violates the rights of the minority, there isn't anyway to stop the so-call majority violence.

Democracy in its present form is really a democratic republics system, people vote for their representatives to rule for a term. Also, the power of different branches of the government are limited by each others, check and balance are implaced. Therefore, individules need not to participate in every aspect of the works of the government, and yet, they voices will be heard. This is still not perfect for there isn't such a thing, and yet, it is better than any other forms government that we know of.



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