送交者: viscan 于 2005-8-31, 09:43:38:
回答: 请各位鉴赏评判:China Daily的第六期司机翻译擂台夏季联赛05-08-17-31 由 林子大了 于 2005-8-31, 07:55:38:
A girl just graduated from college went to interview for an accountant position. She was immediately turned down as that company wanted to hire one with much working experience. Not quite discouraged, the girl asked the interviewer, “Please at least give me a chance in the written exam." the interviewer was pursuaded by the earnest of the girl and agreed to let her take the written exam. It so happened that the girl passed the written exam and got the top score. Then she went to the human resources manager of the company for the final interview.
The HR manager was impressed about her written exam score, But the girl said frankly she had no working experience, and the only relevent bookkeeping experience was as an accountant for the students' congress in college. Somewhat disappointed, the HR manager wrapped up the interview session and said“We will let you know when you shall be given the job.”
The girl got up and produced from her pocket one yuan, which she handed to the manager with both hands. “Please call me whether I am hired or not,” she said to the HR manager. The latter was surprised, “How do you know we will not call those who are not hired?”
“Just now you said you will call me if I shall be given the job. This is to say that you won't phone those who are not given the job.” The manager seemed to be interested by the girl and asked, “What would you like us to tell you if you are not given the job?“ “I would like to know in what respect I fail to meet the requirement for this position, so that I can make further improvement. As for the one yuan, I mean to pay for phone call as it is not the liability of the company to pay for calling those who will not be hired. Please make sure to call me.”
The manager smiled and said, “Please take back the one yuan. I would not call you because I want to inform you formerly that you are hired. You can come to work tomorrow.”
Thus, with just one yuan the girl knocked open the door of opportunity.