Hardly anyone argues for absolute freedom


送交者: jiangzhaiwai 于 2005-9-02, 23:38:55:

回答: 自如等这些网友都怎么了? 由 bluesea 于 2005-9-02, 19:54:45:

Classic counter-example is yelling fire in a theater.

But while you are so ready to restrict a freedom, there are a few angles you may want to think about:
1) Limit on government power. Government should interfere in people's private lives as little as possible.
2) Civil versus criminal liability. Not every offense needs to be criminal. Failing to perform a contract is not a crime.
3) People have rights to believe in what they want to. Adults should be able to make decisions for themselves.
4) Punishement should be proportional to the offense.
5) And procedural rights: laws should be properly passed so that people can know what are not allowed; those charged should have due process rights.

If you want to argue that in a virtual world that something should be done about FLG (for example, in U.S. if you believe you have been defrauded by their health claims you can sue for civil damages and try to bankrupt them), you are probably right. But the reality is from all the above angles FLG is clearly persecuted by GCD.



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