送交者: 鹏归 于 2005-9-16, 05:09:04:
回答: 尼采三段论 由 虎子 于 2005-9-16, 03:41:35:
Belief that individual human beings are the fundamental source of all value and have the ability to understand—and perhaps even to control—the natural world by careful application of their own rational faculties. During the Renaissance, humanists such as Bruno, Erasmus, Valla, and Pico della Mirandola helped shift attention away from arcane theological disputes toward more productive avenues of classical study and natural science.
noun {U}
a belief system based on the principle that people's spiritual and emotional needs can be fulfilled without following a god or religion
In Nietzsche Humanist (1998), Claude Pavur suggests that Nietzsche can best be understood as a humanist on the order of ancient and early modern humanists, many of whom were devoted to envisioning human greatness.