送交者: qtl 于 2005-9-27, 03:31:48:
For those that didn't know... sorry for those not interested, already knew.
The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (http://www.venganza.org/) has (formally) applied for equal time and rights in the teaching of creation in biology class rooms in Kansas.
The four moderates in the board of education are quite willing to accept the teaching of spaghettism as equal to creationism. But a quote from one the conservatives (the majority) puts me uneasy.
From: Mrs. Kathy Martin, District 6
"It is a serious offense to mock God."
Feel free to visit the website and laugh .. ehm support the application... maybe it should be part of the new evolutionary biology honours curriculum...
The final decision is in a few weeks... may the spaghetti god (below) be with us.