送交者: psycho 于 2005-10-23, 11:03:20:
回答: 这位的逻辑有些混乱。。。 由 vs 于 2005-10-23, 03:08:49:
to pretend to be loyal until all things are settled. Bush is much smarter than you think--alas, though not benevolent to his people. He is very smart in terms of benefiting himself and his buddies...
I love this one from Brad DeLong:
"I will stop calling them Orwell if they stop using 1984 as operational mannual".
What is stupid is those people outside the small group of interest who voted him in.
"According to most recent poll, Bush's approval rate is now only 30-40%. I'm sure if there is election now, he will be voted out of office. "--so what? It's not the election time.
Vive Machiavelli!