送交者: HunHunSheng 于 2005-11-08, 10:23:06:
回答: It is not too late to install a Shitte 萨达母 now 由 HunHunSheng 于 2005-11-08, 10:20:42:
There was NO Fundamentalist Islamic presense in Iraq before our invasion. Now, we've created a Fundamentalist Islamic Constitution, and turned Iraq into a combination training ground and school for terrorism. This was both inevitable and people like Mr. Lind predicted it. His predictions of course were mocked as "defeatist."
And tell me how many of the Vietnam War predictions came true? Did we have to fight it out in the streets of San Francisco? Did all of South East Asia go communist? Those were BOTH predictions of what would happen if we left. So now I'm being told that I will have to fight in Brooklyn if we leave Iraq. Really?
The essential problem that we are facing is our long term foreign policy of using and creating Fundamentlist Islamic regimes in the Muslim World. We did this to fight Communism. We felt that Fundamentalist Islam would be of aid in this larger effort to combat the Soviet Union. Well, fine. But the side effect of this was to create regimes who catered to these Fundamentalists.
We were afraid of supporting secular regimes for fear that they would become Communist.
Well what worked in fighting the Soviet Union has now sowed dragons teeth. The Taliban, Al Qaeda, all of these were either directly or indirectly created by us. So, this is the origins of this battle against terrorism. What do we do to win this war?
The answer is that we support secular regimes. People whom we can work with. Does that mean we have to support secular dictatorships? No, but it certainly doesn't mean that that we go to war with them either.
We are a free country. We ALLOW the government to send us to war, because it is in our interests as a free people to make that sacrifice. At the point where abstract ideological policy sends our children to war, we are no longer free - we are slaves to someone elses ideology - In Bosnia, Clinton's, in Iraq, Bush.
The men who founded this country well understood this basic lesson. Once you emnbark on theoretical goals like "bringing democracy to the Middle East," why you can justify anything. Indeed, you are now left with the position that YOU have the right to send your neighbor, not to fight for America, but to fight for some Iraqi, who hates your guts. It's absurd. Nor are we interested in bringing democracy to other countries. We support a number of dictatorships - Indeed when Sadaam was at his worst, he was our ally. It was only Kuwait that triggered this sudeen reversal.
I agree in one sense only - When we are actually ATTACKED, I would justify any act of war, and any sacrifice that our nation requires.
If we pulled out from Iraq now, five years from now, it would be an item in a history book. The Sunni's and the Shite's and the Kurds would fight their civil war (which they will do anyway). Al Qaeda would be overwhelmed once the distraction of our presense is gone. Meanwhile, we would be actively promoting secular Muslim regimes, and secular ideas.