送交者: skipper3 于 2005-12-14, 11:01:16:
回答: Kao, no on is obliged to... 由 skipper3 于 2005-12-14, 10:55:48:
The whole thing is about ACCUSING SOMEONE OF HAVING 道德缺陷! Haven't you guys seen that already? He is only an individual. If you don't like what said on a specific issue, just disgaree with him on this specific issue. No one is obliged to agree with what he said all the time. End of the story.
If you are worried about or you want to prove, that He had lost his credibility, therefore what he said about science or water dam or anything else can not be believed anymore, as a result from his enemy exposing his 道德缺陷, it becomes POLITICS, a totally different game. Now if you still want to be in this game you'd better know how to play it, and don't forget professional spirit for politics!