谈恋爱 = availability and accountability


送交者: yongshi 于 2009-02-26, 15:03:31:

回答: 这里男网友多,我想做个调查,假如你开始谈恋爱, 由 shine 于 2009-02-26, 12:29:30:

searching spouse,
seeking job,
rising children,
all bear the similarity.

for example:
seeking for a job,
people always tell you: go look for something you like
and go get something making you rich, such and such,
that is nonsense indeed! who doesn't know these!

The real world is completely different:

all depend on the market and where you are in the current market. 82-28

Middle-age-people pretending like a innocent middle school boys or girls always fail no exception.



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