From a couple of recent articles here, I would love to take this chance of picking up this topic.
In the U.S. system, basically a malpractice comprises 2 key points. Firstly, physician failed to provide the STANDARD OF CARE. Put it in a simple term, standard of care is what a competent, careful and reasonable doctor will do under the similar situation. Secondly,that failure has caused damage to your health directly or even indirectly with some cases.
Now, many problems exist in China in medical legal system from what i have heard so far. Is there a standard of care established across the country? Is there a fair and competent medical legal legislation established there? Probably not or at least not complete. Also, from this topic we can branch off many others like the importance of evidence based practice guidelines.
From that OBGYN case posted here, the lab tests seems to be mostly routine pre-op coags and metabolic panels. I am not Gynocologist so I do not know if the drugs used are of standard of care. Therefore, the key point here is still WHAT IS THE STANDARD OF CARE. However, one thing need to point out here, even if the surgery is minor, it is still surgery. Necessary labs tests should still be done here in the U.S. system.
The situation seems to be complicated with many loopholes in the system and dissent of the general public due to many social economical changes in China. I do not have the enough evidence or comprehension to making comment at this moment. However, without a fair and competence standard being established, it would be really unfortunate and unfair for both patients and physicians.
Welcome more insights and discussions.