any deviation of time between sunrise and sunset from half day is evidence
送交者: chouqilozi 于 2009-03-24, 14:20:42:
回答: 我已经说过了火星根本没有大到能让你测量出角度 由 HunHunSheng 于 2009-03-24, 14:17:44:
that the distance is not infinite.
- 太阳这么大你看到的那个center可能都比地球火星还大。18世纪根本区分不出来 (无内容) - HunHunSheng (0 bytes) 2009-03-24, 14:39:27 (308825)
- 太阳这么大你看到的那个可能都比地球火星还大。18世纪根本区分不出来 (无内容) - HunHunSheng (0 bytes) 2009-03-24, 14:39:00 (308824)
- that you can just stare at the center of the sun, not the whole volume. (无内容) - chouqilozi (0 bytes) 2009-03-24, 14:37:06 (308822)
- you can just stare at the center of the sun, ignore the volume. (无内容) - chouqilozi (0 bytes) 2009-03-24, 14:36:19 (308821)
- just stare at the center of the sun, ignore the volume. (无内容) - chouqilozi (0 bytes) 2009-03-24, 14:35:44 (308820)
- 凭着18世纪以前的技术估计也检测不出来这个deviation (无内容) - HunHunSheng (0 bytes) 2009-03-24, 14:30:46 (308817)
- 太阳比火星大的多而且你不知道太阳有多大。可是你是假设太阳是一个点。 - HunHunSheng (139 bytes) 2009-03-24, 14:26:15 (308816)