depends! if a spoiled kid makes MESS out of his stupidity and that MESS directly leads to
KILL his many siblings, YES, this spoiled kid's action
MUST be STOPPED by all means including 杀 if no other
choices, stupidity must be punished!
你的这番话跟现实完全不沾边。现实中根本没有兄弟互相杀来杀去的事。就象你说的,只是spoiled kids不想上学而已。如果你儿子不上学,也不让他的siblings上学,你就要把他杀了吗?
the students-then and their advisers are better persons than those they HATED? No, not at all.
我已经说了很多遍我完全同意你的这个观点。问题是只因为他们不是“better persons”是不是就该被杀掉。如果我也觉得你不是比我better我可不可以也把你杀了,然后说这是一个tragedy就完了。