送交者: help 于 2005-2-25, 09:43:41:
我有一朋友欲海归,得一offer, but get confused by the offer package. 恳请各位大虾帮忙. 他想知道到底哪一部分是通常人们所说的年薪 so that he can know if his 年薪 is competitive.
1. Guaranteed cash every month
--Base Salary
--Allowance (20% of Base Salary)
2. Housing Assistance (20% of Base Salary)
Pension Plan (20% of Base Salary)
3. Overseas transfer assistance (20% of Base Salary, for the first two years)
4. Performance Bonus
BTW, 各位能否告知有一定含金量的海归的大概行情呢? 一定含金量是指有海外博士,五六年工作经验, 不是那么杰出,也不是那么"烂" :)