送交者: skipper3 于 2005-2-25, 10:58:54:
回答: 有理讲理,请不要转移话题好不好 由 田牛 于 2005-2-25, 10:29:39:
where did I 转移话题?
Which 加州最高行政长官州长 is not among the wealthy if not the most wealth people in the state. Don't you know when a person has enough money monetary compensation is no longer an incentive for a job? And why 加州最高行政长官州长 is an important job? Don't you know in a market economy like CA has government plays a very small role becasue things usually work themselves out?
"坐进口车,搞政绩工程不需要责任心" blah blah blah shows the guy is not very professional enough not qualified for the job. Maybe that's becasue his pay is a bit low so he needs to do sth undesirable to secure his career his way of life for himself and his family that's all what I am saying. But I bet you don't understand. I am plyaing a piano in front a 牛 so you have it all this conversation