送交者: mangolasi 于 2005-3-04, 13:40:17:
回答: 自由归自由,不管是吃猫狗,三个月以上婴儿的堕胎还是活剥浣熊皮 由 shine 于 2005-3-04, 13:21:53:
Since the word "against" has vague meaning, I use "extremely uncomfortable". I must stated that I am extremely uncomfortable to the above behaviors you mentioned.
But there is a coveat: I am afraid that statements like "从人应不应该具备同情心的角度上来考虑" will give moral superiority, thus making legitimation possible--if you don't vote against abortion, you are cruel! You are watching babies dead! Those sorts of arguments are not novel. But sympathy is hard to detect and I am against thought crime. I think criminalize "thought" is one of the most barbarous thing, much more barbarous than cat-eating. I don't want "sympathy" coming into legitimation, just as I don't want "patriotism" coming into legitimation. I want those things to be kept personal.
Thus, I am clear the neccessarity of living with something I feel extremely uncomfortable with.
But this doesn't prevent me to tell a cat-eater: I hate you.