送交者: SVT 于 2005-3-16, 07:31:45:
回答: 万精油的谁想当数学家很有意思,一点感想 由 xj 于 2005-3-15, 15:10:20:
请教搞数学的人,Oliver Heaviside的微分子法到底有什么缺陷?以致被数学家骂的狗血喷头。由于受数学家的影响(一般认为他们总是正确的,是有严格证明的),搞电机工程的人没有敢用微分子法,都只用拉普拉斯变换。我觉得拉普拉斯变换太繁琐,不如微分子法简洁便利。
Oliver Heaviside, 1850-1925,Why should I refuse a good dinner simply because I don't understand the digestive processes involved.[reply when criticised for his daring use of operators before they could be justified formally.] ::Heaviside introduced his operational calculus to enable him to solve the ordinary differential equations which came out of the theory of electrical circuits. He replaced the differential operator d/dx by a variable p transforming a differential equation into an algebraic equation. The solution of the algebraic equation could be transformed back using conversion tables to give the solution of the original differential equation. Although highly successful in obtaining the answer, the correctness of Heaviside's calculus was not proved until Bromwich's work. Burnside rejected one of Heaviside's papers on the operational calculus, which he had submitted to the Proceedings of the Royal Society, on the grounds that it:"contained errors of substance and had irredeemable inadequacies in proof. ".Tait championed quaternions against the vector methods of Heaviside and Gibbs and sent frequent letters to Nature attacking Heaviside's methods.