送交者: skipper3 于 2005-3-22, 12:18:05:
回答: 疯狂炒房,上海房市近乎失控,房贷占新增全部贷款近九成 由 炎阳 于 2005-3-22, 10:54:19:
I can estimate the number of household in SH is around 3-4M. WIth per capita GDP well above USD4k, average household income is approx. RMB100K. If total bank load on mortgage is RMB259.9B, in average each household is no more than RMB80K in debt, only 80% of annual income. This very conservative by your American standard.
Not to mention there are many wealthy individuals and families participating in SH housing market.
Next time find something better, SB!