送交者: 自如 于 2005-4-01, 12:56:14:
回答: If you are in a coma, are you conscious of yourself? 由 boxer 于 2005-4-01, 12:46:20:
Nowhere have I implied that I refer to any of your questioned senario.
What I refer is the case when the person has no prospect to gain consciousness by all knowledge known to this date.
And what I advocate is just that we do not exert ethical burden in such a case to the guardians. They should feel free to make the choice, practically and spiritually.
When I say that "Living like "行尸走肉" has no meaning whatsoever to the person himself", am I discriminating against such persons? It depends on your definition of discrimination. I just point out that the "humanity" argument by some extremists is in fact based on religious feeling, not the reality.