送交者: bigcherry 于 2005-4-06, 18:34:14:
India has total of 28 million cellular users as of the
end of 2003 and 18 million new users were added in
2003. See
China has total of 270 million cellular users as of
the end of 2003 and around 60 million new users were
added in the same year. See:
(the news in
Internet users in India: More than 16 million: see:
Internet users in China: 78million. See:
Broadband users in China:17.4 million. see:
Boroadband users in India: I believe it can be
only 32% of Indian families have TV. See:
Less than 28 million tons of iron and steel was used
in 2003 in India (An
important index of infrastructure construction. This
is the total India
produced in 2003, and India is a net iron & steel
exporter)(This is even
less than what China produced in 1978 when China began
its reform)
China produced around 225 million tons of iron and
steel and imported other
35 million tons in 2003 for the construction.
See: http://www.worldsteel.org/media/wsif/wsif2003.pdf
55% of the world cement (Another infrastructure
construction index) was used
in China. See
China's expressway (at least 4 lanes, speed limit
100KM/ho ur or 120KM/hour)
reaches 30, 000KM. Around 4, 600 KM is being added
each year. See:
India just began its first expressway project in 2003:
India produced around 36 million tons of oil (A
natural resource index) in
2003 and will face the resource problem soon.
China produced 160 million tons of oil in 2003 and
imported more than 100
million tons in the same year.
Around 30% of Indian male cannot read newspaper and
50% of female cannot
read. that means around 40% of Indians cannot read.
Less than 16% of Chinese cannot read (most of are old
person and they missed
the education opportunity in the old time). See
India has more arable land than China. Indian produced
250 million tons of
grains in 2003 (Thanks for the good weather).
China usually produces 450 million tons of grains each
year no matter how
tough the weather is (record is more than 500 million
tons)(Thanks for the
biotech in China).
GDP in 2003
China 1409.852 billion US$
India 598.966 billion US$
See link:
If based on purchase power (PPP)
China: 6435.838 billion US$
India: 3096.239 Billion US$
see link:
Economy sectors:
China: Argriculture: 15% of GDP, Industry 52% of GDP,
Manufacturing 35% of
GDP, service 33% In 2001
India: Argriculture: 24% of GDP, Industry 27% of GDP,
Manufacturing 16% of
GDP, service 48% In 2001
These data comes from World Bank. You can conclude
that China's industry
size is at least 4 times of India's after a very
simple calculation. You can
see how little India's industry is.
China's industry increased 16.8% in 2003. See:
India's increased about 8%.
Speaking of the software industry, China's software
industry is the similar
size of India. The difference is that Chinese
companies rely on domestic
market while India has almost no IT market comparing
with the big countries
around. China has its own software brands such as
Rising(anti-virus), Jiangming (Anti-virus),
RedFlag(Working on Linux), WPS (
office software), Yongyou(Enterprise), KINGDEE (Golden
Butterfly in Chinese)
( Enterprise).
Only 2.3 million PCs were sold in India in 2003. See
More that 13 million of PCs were sold in China in
2003. See
International trade in 2003
China topped 840B$ (import export)in 2003.
Speaking of the technology, Let's compare the super
computer because Indians
are always claiming India is the second IT country in
the world.
China's homemade supercomputer listed as No. 14. But
the fastest one used in
India is No. 105. It was made by IBM. India's homemade
one is listed as No.
258. Legend (now Lenova) built another more powerful
one this year. It can
be listed as No. 3 or No. 4. See
Thanks for the large market scale and the recent
progress in the technology,
China is trying to set the international or national
technology standards,
such as TD_SCDMA, EVD, Wi-Fi. We know the standard can
make more and easier
money than the simple production.
Total revenue of Wipro(around 1.17B$) and Infosys
(0.97B$) in 2003 = the
half of Huawei (more than 4.5B$)or ZTE around 4.0b$)
Wipro and Infosys represents India's technology. AS I
know Wipro is a
conglomerates, not a pure tech company as Huawei and
Even Indians claim India is a democratic country. But
its corruption is
worse than China. China government is treating the
corruption issue very
seriously in recent years. see
Another research report said India's corruption is
much worse than China
Do you believe Democracy works in India?
Chinese culture is much more open than India’s. See
the trouble That
MacDonald’s, KFC and Coca Cola are suffering:
See the Macdonads’s Business in China:
These two articles were written by the same foreign
visitor (sounds like a
biz man) after he visited both India and China in the
same year (2000).
His view about India:
His impression about China:
He also described so-called Indian democracy in this
"India is said to be the world's largest democracy.
There is no dispute
about its size, one billion is large, but I don't
think that a country whose
major priorities in the last 50 years have favored a
small minority at the
expense of the majority can be called "a democracy". "
Life quality: (See the CIA links above)
Indian Infant mortality rate :
Total: 59.59 deaths/1,000 live births
Female: 58.93 deaths/1,000 live b irths (2003 est.)
Male: 60.23 deaths/1,000 live births
Chinese Infant mortality rate:
Total: 25.26 deaths/1,000 live births
Female: 25.65 deaths/1,000 live births (2003 est.)
Male: 24.91 deaths/1,000 live births
Indian Life expectancy at birth:
Total population: 63.62 years
Male: 62.92 years
Female: 64.37 years (2003 est.)
Chinese Life expectancy at birth:
Total population: 72.22 years
Male: 70.33 years
Female: 74.28 years (2003 est.)
The long list of Chinese medal winners at Sydney 2000
Olympic Games: See:
Let's congratulate to the only one Indian winner: See:
India has about 10 million HIV infected people. Indian
Government admits 4.5
million as of August 2003. See;
China has more than one million a s reported by BBC:
46% of general population in Bombay carry an active
sexually transmitted
disease (the greatest risk factor for HIV spread). Do
you believe it? See:
Aid from outside:
China got aid from Soviet Union between late 50s to
the beginning of t 60s.
After that China develops on itself. India has been
aided by both western
countries and Soviet Union for a long time. See the
You cannot imagine, What should India be without this
China has been helping many other countries too.
That's why most of Africa
countries like China so much.
Religion Issues in India:
Foreign reserve and the external debt:
India's forex reserve > debt
Some more links:
India asks how its economy can catch up with China's
India Versus Chin-- Was written by some Indians
Can India Catch-Up With China? -- Was written by some
The Population Bomb that can devastate India, actually
it is a comparison
between India and China
Can India catch up with China?
Can India Ove rtake China ? -- The famous article
saying India will overtake
Data show that China developed much faster than India
even before China's
reform. India was much better than China before the
Chinese Communist Party
took power. But China's GDP caught up India in 70s
last century.
GDP Per capita ( I believe it is based on PPP)
India's economic grows at average 6% GDP vs. China's
grows at 9% for last 2
India has 2 times faster population grow that the same
time(1.7 vs. China
In China, there is no space for the discrimination
against other domestic
ethnic groups. Women are enjoying the equal rights.
Chinese minorities often
have more rights or privileges than Han people. Can
Indians say this?