送交者: cs 于 2005-4-12, 01:22:11:
Pattern Recognition Letters
Volume: 26, Issue: 6, May 1, 2005, pp. 685-686.
Article retraction: Least-squares fitting for deformable superquadric model based on orthogonal distance
Tin Kam Ho
Editor-in-Chief, Regular Issues
We regret to inform our readers that authors of this article in a recent issue of Pattern Recognition Letters by Furong Wen, Baozong Yuan (PRL 25(8) 2004, 933–941) had violated the professional ethical codes by duplicating large portions of text from the following two articles:
(1) Ahn, S.J., Rauh, W., Cho, H.S., Warnecke, H.-J., 2002. Orthogonal distance fitting of implicit curves and surfaces, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 24(5), 620–638.
(2) Ahn, S.J., Rauh, W., Warnecke, H.-J., 2001. Least-squares orthogonal distances fitting of circle, sphere, ellipse, hyperbola, and parabola, Pattern Recognition 34(12), 2283–2303.
without quotation marks and proper citation, and without permission.
Editors of PRL consider this a severe infringement of professional ethics and therefore retract the publication of the above mentioned article by Wen and Yuan. The editors regret this unfortunate occurrence and relay the enclosed apologies by the offending authors to Drs. S.J. Ahn, W. Rauh, H.S. Cho, and H.-J. Warnecke, IEEE, Pattern Recognition Society, and our readers.
In reviewing a manuscript for publication, the editorial team rely heavily on the integrity of the authors and we trust the truth of their declaration of originality. Unfortunately there were times when we were misled. We thank Dr. Ahn for alerting us to this incident, and we sincerely hope that the scientific community will continue to cooperate in enforcing the professional ethical codes so that this situation will not be repeated.
Tin Kam Ho
Regular Issues
Authors’ apologies
I would like to give my deep and wholehearted apology to the concerned parties (the original authors, IEEE-PAMI, PR Society, and PRL readers) for my improper citation and clarification. I referred to the papers authored by Drs. S.J. Ahn, W. Rauh, H.-J. Warnecke and H.S. Cho, and improperly used parts of the papers without marking them as quotations. Nor did I fully clarify that my work was based on the original idea of the papers and my contribution was an application of their original method to solve a deformable SQ fitting problem.
I should also give my public apology to the co-author of the paper, my supervisor Professor Baozong Yuan. He knew nothing about the paper (such as the submission, the revision and the publication of the paper) until I gave the published copy to him in June 2004. The whole case is none of his business and I take all responsibilities. This incident will be a serious lesson for me.
Furong Wen
I agree with the PRL editors’ decision to retract the article and would like to thank the original authors Drs. S.J. Ahn, W. Rauh, H.-J. Warnecke and H.S. Cho as well as the PRL editors for alerting me on this very unfortunate incident. The incident has given me a helpful warning message in the future supervision and education of all my students. As the supervisor of the first author, I feel regrettable to the readers and all the affected parties (the original authors, IEEE, Pattern Recognition Society, the Publishers and the PRL editors).
Baozong Yuan