let me tell you some games I played recently.


送交者: shine 于 2011-04-12, 13:40:06:

回答: Are you interested in RPG type of game? 由 蓝隼 于 2011-04-12, 13:29:07:

angery bird, that is months ago, I found i got addicted on it, and even think of it when I read story to my kids. I gave up it. plus I hate spin my thumb on the dirty ipad screen.

then, analogy, I am logic dummy, shoot, I need it. But it is too simple for me, even the most difficult level, it sucks! I gave up.

last week, arcs, a little challange at first, I keep on, to 15 level, i suddenly found that I don't even think to finish it. It is more like a labor job. forget it.

what is more... wait and see. I don't like big stratigy game, no time for it.



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