送交者: outsider 于 2005-4-12, 19:04:36:
回答: 小法说说两块欧元在德国能干啥 由 随便 于 2005-4-12, 16:12:39:
It's hard to believe. Food is much more expensive in Europe, even from SuperMarket, comparing to US. In US, $40 a month for food budget is considered as very frugal, probably for foreign students. People live on Social Benefit spend more than that.
Here are some sample prices (from Chinese SuperMarcket or Italian Fresh Market, usually with much lower price):
Rice, $10 for 50 lb bag
Pork, $2.50/lb (boneless ham), $3.5 (tenderloin)
Fish, $3-7/lb (live), $2-4/lb (frozen)
Chinese Cabbage, $0.5/lb
Bell Pepper, $0.5-1/lb
Chinese Celery, $2/lb
Tofu, $1 a piece
How could you manage a $40 budget and have meals 有鱼或肉 everyday?