送交者: steven 于 2005-4-15, 04:36:30:
回答: 王安之死在乡民手中之“确”无非是因为双方都承认了而已 由 NewYorker 于 2005-4-15, 01:38:25:
What the New China News agency did was to make Chinese people look at all those missionaries that Vatican granted sainthood or martyrs are aggressors and wanted to intimidate China sovereignty. The difference is that all the Chinese media today are painting a picture of a political motivated, calculated and ruthless evil one who killed to seize the power from local authority, not like Lu Gang who went for revenge rampage. Even Lu Gang had chosen hand gun to do his job to be effective; and the best thing a political motivated calculated killer, who intended to kill a local officer, could come up with was clumsy butter-knife and a pair of scissors?
中国是一个宗教观念薄弱的地方,但因风水祖坟而起的纠纷以至伤人害命从来没少过。如果说洋人传教是罪无可恕,总不见新华社动不动把留头不留人的事翻来说说?一句话那是政治需要. 天主教的神职人员有没有做过坏事?就想中文媒介所说的那样,也许有,但看具体案件的时候,也该看看何不何理。