送交者: xj 于 2005-4-29, 11:56:09:
回答: 今天怎么这么多奇怪消息:美国最新调查显示东亚人智商最高 由 mamamia 于 2005-4-29, 09:53:10:
Thirty years of research on race differences in cognitive ability.
Rushton, J. Philippe; Jensen, Arthur R. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, Volume 11, Issue 2
It's about 60 pages. I will read it at noon.
There are several comments about this.
I think a relevent book is "Bell Curve", specifically on IQ, and the differences of IQ by race.
Bascially, IQ is related to education and study.
In terms of Brain weight and size, there is a large variation of that. As a matter of fact, comparing brain size between racial groups and IQ ecologically is irrelevent, and easily trapped in "ecological fallacy". That is, those who had high IQ are not necessary those who had large brain. The relationship between brain size and IQ has already been disputed long time ago.
Further, only part of brain is involved in learning and memory. For example, fMRI showed that those dyslexia kids had one small part of brain (left back robe) inactived, thus could not efficiently read books. However, those kids may have very strong abilities of abstract thinking and problem solving. Their IQ is the same as others.
Another example, it is also known that ADD patients had a slightly smaller front cortex (on average) than normal people. However, ADD patients had abilities of parallel thinking. their IQ are the same as others if not higher.
I have to read the paper to be specific to refute these ideas.